
Hydrogen production and low pressure storage


Our energy storage are an integral part of the overall installation.

In many cases, electrical energy is generated, which is not retrieved, on the other hand, when energy is needed, there are no natural resources such as wind or sun available.


We store any surplus production that can be retrieved for later use. The energy carrier is hydrogen.


Our energy storage are, in comparison to conventional batteries, capable of absorbing the energy produced immediately when batteries need to be charged slowly.


Our independent energy storage can be connected directly to a power source. Such as existing photovoltaics.


The storage facility is divided into three independent units:


1. Our hydrogen generator is able to produce hydrogen pressure without compression devices. The production is fully automated. 2. The hydrogen is stored and is available for immediate recall. The storage medium may be scaled to the needs. 3. Our fuel cell converts the hydrogen back into electricity

Our intelligent network takes into account the


actual energy production

actual stored energy

actual amount of energy required



Hydrogen system available:


matched as a standalone system.

fully automated

Only a start and stop switch


production capacity

1.5 KW / h of hydrogen energy (0.53Nm3 / h H2)

Input 220 Volt 50 Hz

Water ASTM Type II deionized water, less than 1 micro

Siemen / cm (more 1 megohm-cm)

(Can be prepared from tap water)


Operating temperature 5 ° C-40 ° C

suitable for operation in enclosed spaces with adequate ventilation (IEC60079-10)


Dimensions (79x97x107 cm)

CE and TUV certified)


© All mapped products, processes, texts and pictures are the property of MRT GmbH & Co. KG. Use is permitted only with written permission. Patent pending for Energy Converting and Storing System (WO 2012/085066 A2).2016